AliExpress Dropshipping Center: All There’s To Know

Table of Contents

What is AliExpress Dropshipping Center? If you are venturing into AliExpress dropshipping but do not know about this tool, you are at the right place, so keep reading. In this article, you will learn several important things about the AliExpress Dropshipping Center, including;

  • What AliExpress Dropshipping Center is
  • Why AliExpress Dropshipping Center is a must-have tool
  • How much does the AliExpress Dropshipping Center cost 
  • How to access AliExpress Dropshipping Center
  • How the AliExpress Dropshipping Center Works
  • Best AliExpress Dropshipping Center Alternatives

AliExpress Dropshipping: Is It Worth It?

Let’s face it; dropshipping is not dying as many claim. In fact, it is witnessing steady growth, with more and more businesses opting for dropshipping as the preferred fulfillment method.

About 27% of online retailers today primarily use dropshipping to fulfill customers’ orders. (Statista)

So, as an entrepreneur, you have made a good decision to start dropshipping, especially with AliExpress. 

The Chinese eCommerce giant is among the best suppliers, commanding over 2 million merchants and over 100 million products. According to China Internet Watch, the platform boasts over 20 million visitors- astounding!

AliExpress is a dropshipping-friendly platform and endeavors to grow the dropshipping business model. As part of the company’s efforts to uplift dropshipping, it unveiled a resourceful tool to enable dropshippers to scale their business. This is AliExpress Dropshipping Center.

What is AliExpress Dropshipping Center?

AliExpress Dropshipping Center is a platform designed to help AliExpress dropshippers scale their business easily with free-to-use tools. The most notable tools are;

  • Product Research
  • Product Analysis

At the core of AliExpress Dropshipping Center is a tool that enables you to find winning products and analyze their potential before listing them in your store. Remember, finding the best products for dropshipping is key to the business’s success. 

Besides product research, the platform can also help you to sieve through the millions of sellers and find the best suppliers…the hidden gems you could be missing. The supplier research tool can be the deal maker or breaker, considering that over 84% of businesses say finding a reliable supplier is the biggest challenge.

Other AliExpress Dropshipping Center Features

In a nutshell, ADC is a tool that can help you find winning products for your store faster, connect with more reliable suppliers, and evaluate the potential of products before listing them. But besides product research and product analysis, AliExpress Dropshipping Center has several other services, including;

  • Dashboard 
  • Levels Program 
  • Dropshipping Service
  • Facebook Community

The dashboard is a complete view of the overall performance of the AliExpress dropshipping account. With the AliExpress Dropshipping Center dashboard, you can easily monitor all operations, optimize processes, and improve business performance as data is readily available.

The levels program is an exclusive discount scheme that rewards dropshippers with lucrative discounts depending on the money spent on orders. The loyalty program has 4 levels; Normal, C, B, and A. Sellers start from Normal and advance as they continue raking in sales. The table below elaborates on the program.

Rules to Upgrade

LevelDiscountRules to Upgrade
Normal0% Off< $1,000
C Level2% Off>=$1,000
B Level4% Off>=$2,000
A Level6% Off>=$5,000

If you want to leverage a reliable and transparent logistics handler, AliExpress Dropshipping Center has a dropshipping service. You can enjoy excellent services and rake in more profits from wholesale prices.

Last is the established Facebook community. Here, you can interact with other dropshippers on AliExpress and gain key insights to run your business successfully.

Why Use AliExpress Dropshipping Center? 

AliExpress Dropshipping Center is a must-have tool to succeed in dropshipping. Many dropshipping businesses fail because they make hasty, uninformed decisions. But with dropshipping tools like AliExpress DS Center, you can stay on top of the game, courtesy of its data-driven solutions. If it is about product research, you have the data to determine whether a product is worth selling. As for the supplier, you get insights into whether the supplier is reliable or not. 

Remember, the product you decide to sell and where you are sourcing it from are two crucial aspects that determine the success of your business.

How to Access AliExpress Dropshipping Center

Now that you know a thing or two about AliExpress Dropshipping Center and why it is a handy tool every dropshipper must use, let’s get into the finer details. In this segment, find out who can use this tool, the costs, how to get AliExpress DS Center, the pros and cons, and alternatives.

Who Can Use the AliExpress Dropshipping Center?

AliExpress Dropshipping Center is a tool designed by AliExpress to help dropshippers scale their business. It is available for use by anyone and everyone. There are no limitations. You can access the tool if you are doing business on AliExpress. Whether in China, Europe, America, or Australia, you can use this tool.

AliExpress Dropshipping Center Cost

Now, the next big question is, how much does it cost to use AliExpress Dropshipping Center? As you may be aware, most dropshipping tools are not free. You have to part with some money, and that’s among the reasons it is impossible to start a dropshipping business without money.

But luckily, AliExpress is a dropshipping-first eCommerce company that endeavors to empower dropshippers. The company developed the AliExpress DS Center and made it available for free. You don’t have to spend a penny to find the best-selling products, grow your supplier list, or enjoy the tool’s other perks. 

How to Activate AliExpress Dropshipping Center: Step-By-Step Guide

Now, how do you get AliExpress Dropshipping Center? If you just created an account, you will realize the DS option is unavailable. You must activate it before the option becomes available on your dashboard. 

There are two ways to activate DS Center on AliExpress; 

  • Manual Activation
  • Activation By Orders

Manual Activation

You must activate this tool manually if you have a new account and haven’t made any orders. Below is the step-by-step guide.

Step 1: Log in to your AliExpress account. 

Step 2: Once logged in, click this link –

Step 3: Accept the General Agreement and Data Service Authorization terms and conditions.

Step 4: Enter your full name.

Step 5: You will get the Submitted prompt, meaning DS Center is now activated.

Automatic Activation (By Orders)

AliExpress is always on the lookout for dropshippers. If you have been making orders, AliExpress must have noticed you and activated the Dropshipping Center. In such cases, a notification is normally sent to you.

Besides the above two methods, you can access AliExpress Dropshipping Center by integrating AliExpress with any of its partner apps.

How to Access AliExpress DS Center

Now that you have the AliExpress Dropshipping Center tool on your account, where do you find it? To access DS Center, log in to your account, go to My Account, and then Orders. DS Center is on the menu dropdown somewhere at the bottom. Click it and bookmark it for easy access later on.

How to Use AliExpress Dropshipping Center

Now, to the main agenda of the day, how can you use AliExpress Dropshipping Center to find the best products to sell? As mentioned earlier, AliExpress has two main tools; Product Search and AliExpress Product Analysis. We are going to explain how you can use the two tools.

How To Use AliExpress Product Search Tool

The AliExpress Product Search tool has 3 product search methods. You can search products by; 

  • Hot Selling filter 
  • Image
  • Sponsored Products Filter

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to use the 3 features.

Search Hot Selling Products

The Hot Selling tab on DS Center has all the hottest selling products, columns with crucial information about the product, and detailed filtering options. 

Below are the data sets in the columns and what they mean.

  • Product – This is the title and image of the product. Clicking it goes to the detailed product page. 
  • Price – This is the normal price that the product is going for. 
  • DS Price – This is the price after you have received your discount based on your level, obviously after hitting the $1,000 mark in sales (Level C).
  • Orders – The number of regular orders by regular AliExpress buyers, excluding orders from dropshippers on DS Center.
  • DS Orders – The number of orders made by dropshippers (accounts that have joined the DS Center only).
  • Rating – The rating of the product on a 1 to 5 scale.
  • Seller Performance – A rating of the seller’s reliability.
  • Actions – This gives you the option of analyzing the product.

You can apply these filters to find the best products to sell in your dropshipping store.

Besides the above data sets, it is important to understand the rest of the filter sections. These are;

  • Search Bar – This free search engine allows you to search for a product’s name. 
  • Product Category Filter – As the name suggests, this filter narrows down from the main category to subcategory and further to sub subcategory.
  • Ship From – This allows you to filter products shipped from specific locations where AliExpress has warehouses.
  • Ship To – As the name suggests, you can filter products that can be shipped to specific countries.
  • Delivery Time & ePacket – This filter helps you clear products that can’t be shipped fast enough from the list. Remember, you need to ensure fast delivery for customer satisfaction.
  • Price Range – You can filter the price range of the items you want to buy. Set the minimum and maximum price range.
  • Exclusive DS Price – These are exclusively discounted items that AliExpress sellers offer dropshippers.
  • Free Shipping – You can narrow it down to products that are available with free shipping.
  • Video – Use this filter if you want products that have videos to create better listings.

Indeed, AliExpress DS Center is an invaluable tool for dropshippers. You can comb through millions of products in minutes and remain with your desired products. 

Two filters worth mentioning are Delivery Time & ePacket and Free Shipping. Make use of the Delivery Time & ePacket filter to find products that can be shipped on time. On the other hand, Free Shipping products bring down the cart value, something many customers are always on the lookout for. Below are some interesting statistics that reiterate the importance of the two filters.

“88% of consumers are more willing to purchase from an eCommerce store that offers free shipping (Inc, 2022).”

“62% of online customers in the US believe fast delivery is the most important aspect of a positive customer experience (Insider Intelligence, 2019).”

Search By Image 

The Search By Image filter allows you to search for a product by uploading an image from your PC. Once uploaded, DS Center will return results with products that have images resembling the uploaded image.

Sponsored Products

You can also spy on your competition by finding products that have been sponsored. Definitely, these are products that are in demand and feth high margins.

How To Use AliExpress Product Analysis

The Product Analysis tool can help you do two things; check sales volume and supplier reliability.

Check Sales Volume

The Sales Volume is a rating from 0 to 100, denoting the marketing a manufacturer generates from a product. The higher the Sales Volume, the better the product. With raw data on Sales Volume, you can make data-based decisions on whether a product is popular or not.

Check the Supplier’s Reliability

A supplier’s logistical reliability is key to your business’s success. You can use the Product Analysis tool to determine whether a supplier is reliable. The tool gives you detailed ratings based on the consistency of delivering products as described, communication, and shipping speed.

AliExpress DS Center Pros and Cons

Indeed, AliExpress DS Center is a great tool. However, like the two sides of a coin, it has advantages and disadvantages.


  • Available for All AliExpress Users – Anybody with an AliExpress account can access the tool
  • Free to Use – Unlike many dropshipping tools, the AliExpress DS Center tool is free
  • Wide Product List – The tool gives you the power to filter through millions of products in just a few clicks


  • Confusing – The layout of the tools and the different filters can be confusing and time-consuming

AliExpress Dropshipping Center Tips

The AliExpress DS Center is a fantastic tool that enables dropshippers to find winning products and reliable suppliers. You can also leverage it to enjoy discounts. However, there are a few things you need to know when using it. 

This section shares crucial tips to help you make the most out of the AliExpress Dropshipping Center.

1. Don’t fall for the cheapest products – The price filter is a great feature, allowing you to find cheap products. But don’t always go for cheap products without due diligence, as most are of poor quality, which can hurt your brand.

2. Insist on ratings – A product might look good from the pictures and videos, but this is not enough reason to classify it as a winning product. Check what the reviews are saying, both the product and seller reviews.

3. Use the shipping filters to your advantage – To grow your brand and increase sales, ensure the products you sell can be delivered fast. You can also consider listing products with free shipping to reduce cart abandonment. 

“Free shipping can reduce cart abandonment on eCommerce stores by 18%.” (Nosto, 2022)

4. Use a complementary tool – AliExpress Dropshipping Center is resourceful. But you can streamline everything by using complementary dropshipping, for example, Easync, which automates dropshipping.

AliExpress Dropshipping Center Alternatives

AliExpress DS Center is an excellent dropshipping tool. However, it is not sufficient enough to stay on top of the competition. For that reason, we suggest you get alternative tools or other solutions to complement DS Center. 

In this segment, we have shared several alternatives for finding the best product on AliExpress and, importantly, how to find reliable suppliers.

Google Keyword Planner and Google Trends 

You can use Google’s free tools, Keyword Planner and Trends, to ensure that the product you want to list has potential. Google Keyword Planner will give you data on monthly searches of a particular product on Google. You can further use filters to get the search data in a specific geolocation. On the other hand, Google Trends gives you insights into how a product performed in the past and whether the demand is increasing or declining.


Google Keyword Planner and Trends are great complementary tools for AliExpress DS Center but are not direct replacements. If you want a tool that does the same thing as DS Center plus a lot more, we recommend Easync. 

You can leverage this AliExpress dropshipping tool to find the best dropshipping products on AliExpress. Besides finding products, you can find reliable suppliers to scale your business. Easync also has features for creating listings, managing inventory, repricing, and automatic product ordering.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why can’t I find the AliExpress dropshipping center?

AliExpress DS Center is not available on your dashboard because you have not activated it. Sign up or have enough orders for AliExpress to notice your dropshipping activity.

2. What is the Dropshipping Center AliExpress link?

To access AliExpress Dropshipping Center, you need to click on the DS link, which is Make sure DS is activated first by signing up or making multiple orders.

3. Can you get sued for dropshipping from AliExpress? 

No. AliExpress is among the eCommerce platforms that champion dropshipping. This is why the company developed AliExpress DS Center to enable entrepreneurs to scale their businesses without spending money on dropshipping tools.

Wrapping Up

That’s the end of this AliExpress Dropshipping Center guide. As you have seen, AliExpress DS Center is a resourceful tool you should use to dropship with AliExpress successfully. It has features that enable you to find winning products and reliable suppliers. You can also enjoy discounts and other perks. So, what are you waiting for? Activate DS Center today and make data-driven decisions.

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