Dropshipping Costco.com

From Costco to eBay, Shopify, Fulfilment by Amazon

Costco Wholesale Corporation is the world’s largest clubhouse of self-service warehouses in the world and the fifth largest sales retailer in the USA. Costco Wholesale is the largest in the world in its segment. Although the company is inferior to Sam’s Club in the number of points of sale, it takes the 1st place in terms of sales.

The special feature of Costco is that they sell products of a narrow number of manufacturers at minimal prices. This allows Costco to increase sales of specific manufacturers and receive discounts and bonuses from them. This business strategy has made the store successful.

The annual membership of the Costco club system costs about $55 in the United States. In other countries, the amount of membership fees is also approximately $55 in national currency.

Purchases made on the website do not require membership, but assume a 5% mark-up to the standard price.

Costco has a rather non-standard pricing policy and shipping costs for various products. The size and price of the product does not affect the availability of free shipping. To learn more about their terms of membership and shipping costs please follow this link.

You can see the countries and regions for delivery here.

Costco has an opportunity to get a tax exemption. Most often you will have to make purchases first and then you fill out an online form on the site and get a tax refund.