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Chinese New Year 2022

For those who don’t know or have not heard yet, the Chinese people celebrate the Chinese New Year from the 1st until the 11th of February.

Most of the factories have employees who live far away from home.

The employees want to be with their families on holidays. So they will close the factories and put the new orders on hold. (although you can order on AliExpress as usual, consider that the processing time may be longer).

The suppliers may update the tracking numbers, but they will ship the package after a few weeks. If you do not update the shipping policy in your store, you will not be protected on eBay, but the supplier will be protected in terms of AliExpress!

Each factory and supplier stop working and returns to work on a different date, but some of the suppliers and factories will receive and shipping until January 19 and return to work on February 14 (there may be several factories that leave earlier and return later)

We recommend you consider these notes and update your handling days accordingly :

For those who sell on eBay

To be protected in terms of eBay, you have to check your policy, and you may need to make some changes.

There are several solutions, but the most recommended solution, in my opinion, is to increase your handling time in the shipping policies.

We recommend setting 30 handling days starting from January 19 and gradually reducing the handling days to 5 business days each week.

On February 14, things are supposed to work typically. Most of the suppliers and factories will have time to ship most of the orders that have accumulated and return to work at the exact delivery times before the holiday.

A few more essential highlights:

  • For Those who work with private suppliers and factories that do not have stock but produce the goods, it’s recommended to contact and ask about the last day when you can place an order that will be issued before the holiday and, if necessary, set eBay 30 handling days earlier.
  • Some suppliers will update tracking numbers even before February 14. The shipment will be dispatched only a few days later and sometimes even weeks later. So we advise our customers who work with three business days trading from China to wait at least until February 11 to continue with five business days and only then make the change back with the shipping policy.

Easync team.