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Instagram is an e-commerce engine

Instagram has become one of the most popular social networks. Now there are more than a billion active users per month. And the number of daily active users is 500 million. It’s more than Twitter and Snapchat combined! Instagram is a huge customer audience and this sales channel cannot be avoided.

Your e-commerce business is simply required to have an account on Instagram. We have prepared some tips for working with this social network.

Instagram is a visual social network. This means that the audience primarily pays attention to the image of the product. Therefore, it is necessary to create unique visual content. You should not use pictures from the Internet and photo stocks. The recommended image resolution on Instagram is 1080 x 1080. You can add a maximum of 2200 characters to the text description.

Your content should not be monotonous. It is advisable to analyze the market and study the publications of competitors. Here are a few headings that we recommend using in your content plan. Firstly, conversational posts. These can be helpful instructions, stories, or lectures. To increase profits, you can publish the best-selling products and shoot live video presentations. The third category of posts can be news and market analysis, so you show your expertise in this.

To sell goods, be sure to add a link to your store in the profile description. You can use targeted advertising to promote. This is not cheap, but with a competent approach it is very effective. There may be a cheaper way to use hashtags. Pick a list of hashtags and insert 5 pieces in turn into the description of the posts. And do not forget about posting publications with bloggers and popular personalities.

Easync’s users are already accustomed to the convenience of using automation systems. The same systems exist for Instagram. These are instagram bots and auto-publishers of content. Easync and Instagram are your good partners for profit, try the test period now!